Saturday, November 19, 2011


I made some changes on vaadin-simple-shiro to use MySql database to authenticate and authorize through Shiro JdbcRealm. Here you can find the source code.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fedora 16 , Welcome.

So Fedora 16 is arrived. I am going to install it today. Will definitely share my user experience soon.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

GSOC: Amazing Summer of Code

GSOC is over. And my project apertium-tr-ky MT between Turkish and Kyrgyz languages is ready to use.
You can read my final report here.
It was amazing summer, thank you Google, Apertium.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kyrgyzstan first time in GSOC.

I am proud to announce that this year one student from Kyrgyzstan ;) accepted to one of the biggest open source event GSOC first time. Details you can read in official GSOC blog.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Acer Aspire 4710 White screen...

It is almost 4 years since I am using laptop Acer Aspire 4710. Almost all Fedora and OpenSUSE releases worked on it out of the box. But there is one "but" , screen turns white randomly. Before it happened rarely, i was solving it just by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 (switching tty) and back. But after Fedora 12 it was not helping me anymore. And it started to become white more frequently last days. So i decided to solve it or to buy a new laptop.
I found this blog and followed one of it's comments. I removed a small magnet located under the lid cover and it is working now. Seems to be the magnet could have affected the video signal. But than why it was located there?